Input meetings
OG21 will revise its strategy in 2021, and invites to open input meetings February 3-4.
Please sign up through this link.
Suggestions can be submitted also in advance of the meetings. Link to generic input form.
The following meetings are planned:
- February 3, 9-11 a.m. Reduction of climate gas emissions, in operations and through value chains. Link to Teams-meeting.
- February 3, 1-3 p.m. Safety and working environment. Two sections: (i) major accidents prevention, (ii) working environment. Link to Teams-meeting.
- February 4, 9-11 a.m. Cost-efficient exploration and operations. Two sections: (i) drilling, wells and P&A, (ii) subsurface understanding. Link to Teams-meeting.
- February 4, 1-3 p.m. Digitalization and automation - remote operations, unmanned/low-manned, autonomy. Link to Teams-meeting.
All meetings follow the format:
- Welcome. 5 mins.
- Strategy revision scope and timeline. 10 min.
- Introduction to theme. 15 min.
- Facilitated discussion, 75 min.
- Summary and next steps. 15 mins.
Input and discussions will be structured around:
1. Technology needs:
- Suggestions and potential effects
- Barriers to development
- Barriers to broad implementation
2. Knowledge gaps:
- Suggestions
- Barriers to development and application
We welcome suggestions also in advance of the meetings, either by e-mail to OG21's secretariat, or by the use of the generic input form.
Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 18:23 CET
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