More than 200 attended the digital OG21-forum 2020
OG21-forum 2020 shed light on how digital technologies can make the Norwegian petroleum industry robust through cycles.
OG21 Forum 2020 is history. The traditional conference this year had to be held digitally with presentations from Oslo, Stavanger, Trondheim, Kristiansand and London, merged into a rewarding half day for the participants.
The advanced digital concept aligned well with the theme of the conference, which was how digital technologies can take us through waves. In the preparations for the conference, OG21 got to experience how the Covid-19 wave is once again hitting the country - the digital concept had to be adjusted right up to the last hour to meet increasingly stringent requirements for infection control.
Top managers from the business community and the authorities lined up sportily and contributed to good discussions on the technological steps the Norwegian petroleum industry is facing, and what it takes to make full use of new technology. The leaders were challenged with questions from the conference participants, from PhD students at NTNU and UiO and from a student panel in Trondheim.
The theme for the conference was inspired by this year's OG21 deep dive study on machine learning. The report from DNV GL as well as the OG21 project report were presented on the forum, and both can now be downloaded, see link.
A highlight of the conference was the awarding of the prize "OG21 Technology Champion" for 2020. The prize was awarded by Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru, and it went to Knut Henriksen from the oil service company Baker Hughes, read more about the prize here.
Ordinary years, the OG21-forum has an exhibition of technologies that illustrate the theme of the conference. The exhibition is very popular among conference participants. With a digital conference, OG21 had to think differently. Six companies were given the opportunity to showcase their technologies with short video clips. The profiling videos can be viewed here.
Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 18:38 CET