New OG21 report on energy security

A new report from Rystad Energy, commissioned by OG21, shows how important Norwegian energy is for energy security in Europe. A draft report issued for public commenting, was presented at the OG21 forum, 16 November 2023. We subsequently received valuable comments, and the updated report which takes these into account has now been published.

The increased importance of the Norwegian continental shelf for European energy security has motivated OG21 to carry out a study on how important technology and knowledge are to secure Norwegian energy supplies.

The study has been carried out in collaboration with Rystad Energy. The report from Rystad Energy points to three areas as particularly important:

  1. Natural gas deliveries, which both today and up to 2040 will account for 25-30% of European gas demand, and which are critical for European energy security
  2. Offshore wind, which is a key technology for the electrification needed to reach climate targets nationally and for the petroleum industry
  3. CCS which is a key technology to decarbonise the use of natural gas, especially in power generation and in industrial processes

Link to the Rystad Energy report

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