The OG21 strategy is being revised

The OG21 strategy is being revised in 2021, and the work has started.

The OG21 strategy was last revised in 2016. Much has happened in society, in the energy markets and in the petroleum industry since then, and the OG21 strategy is therefore being revised.

Valuable input already received

During the winter months, OG21 has received a lot of valuable suggestions to the new strategy. More than 100 people participated in the open industry input meetings February 3rd-4th, see link. In addition, we received more than 50 suggestions through the input form that was kept open on OG21's web page until end of February.

The input add to the feedback we received through a survey among OG21's stakeholders that was conducted in 2020. You can read more about the feedback in the report from the survey.

OG21's technology groups will during the spring of 2021 conduct workshops to discuss the received suggestions, identify new opportunities, and prioritize technology and knowledge needs. 


The next opportunity to provide input is through the commenting round on the draft strategy document. We plan to release the document for comments in August 2021.


The new OG21 strategy needs to reflect changes in external factors

The Covid-19 situation has had a huge impact globally and nationally on activity level, economy and demand and use of energy carriers. But even before the pandemic broke out, fundamental conditions for the energy markets were changing. OG21 has made an analysis of external factors that may have an impact on the revision of the OG21 strategy, link to the report.

Scope and timeline for the OG21 strategy revision

The scope and schedule for the strategy development are shown in the figures below. Most of the work will take place in the first half of 2021, and the new strategy will be presented at the OG21 forum, November 11th, 2021.

For questions about the strategy revision, contact the OG21 secretariat.


Time schedule.PNG

Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 18:16 CET

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