Last year's OG21-forum

OG21-forum is OG21's annual conference. OG21 examines every year a selected topic through a deep dive study. At the OG21-forum, OG21 presents results from the study and invites industry stakeholders to present their views on the topic.

The theme for the OG21-forum 2018 was "Dare, choose, win: How technology create value".

The Norwegian Continental Shelf is today competitive thanks to remarkable cost-reducing efforts over the last 4 years. Technology contributes to cutting costs and emissions and is therefore important for maintaining competitiveness into the future. Norwegian suppliers develop a lot of new technology, but the oil companies are too slow at adopting it. This leads to lost value creation for the society and enterprises. 

Styreleder i OG21, Christina Johanson fra TechnipFMC, taler på OG21-forum 2018

Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 18:54 CET

No global messages displayed at time of print.