Profilerte selskap OG21-forum 2020

Norske selskap er langt framme med avanserte, digitale løsninger for petroleumsindustrien. Møt noen av dem her.

Earth Science Analytics - Logo Black - APPROVED .png

Earth Science Analytics AS (ESA) is a Norwegian technology company developing the next generation web-based cloud-native geoscience software and solutions. ESA incorporates extensive knowledge and experience in geoscience, computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, to develop software and solutions for the energy industry. The software
products provide geoscientists with opportunities to work with large data sets more efficiently and obtain more accurate results at a lower cost compared to what can be achieved with traditional methods.

Presentation of Earth Science Analytics

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 22. februar 2025, kl. 18.44 CET

Det ble ikke vist noen globale meldinger eller andre viktige meldinger da dette dokumentet ble skrevet ut.