Competence workshop 2023
OG21 conducted 1 June 2023 a workshop on competence needs and challenges. Almost 50 people from OG21 and stakeholders participated.
The workshop was part of a larger OG21 deep-dive study this year on energy supply security from the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It focused on three main competence challenges:
- Recruitment to STEM studies at Norwegian universities
- Recruitment of talent to energy industries
- People development and life-long learning in the industry
A summary of the group work focusing on these three challenges, is now available.
The results from the group work has been included in the updated OG21 report on competence challenges. A draft of this report was presented in the workshop.
Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 22. februar 2025, kl. 18.25 CET
Det ble ikke vist noen globale meldinger eller andre viktige meldinger da dette dokumentet ble skrevet ut.